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Meet Lily Gach, L.Ac

Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist

Nationally Certified by NCCAOM

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"My passion is to integrate knowledge with caring compassion to create a healing space where my patients feel heard, understood, and inspired to choose a life of fulfillment and wellbeing." 

-Lily Gach, L.Ac, Dipl. OM​

A second generation acupuncturist, I grew up learning the principles of Chinese medicine philosophy from my father, an acupuncturist and M.D. who shared priceless knowledge and an authentic healing presence. 


I received extensive formal training at Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts in Asheville, NC. This rigorous 4-year graduate program included a two-year 800-hour clinical internship as well as multiple intensive seminars given by Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Master of Classical Chinese Medicine. These studies uniquely prepared me to offer specialized acupuncture treatments utilizing the Five Meridian System, which represents a departure from Traditional Chinese Medicine offering extra tools for treating difficult cases.


These teachings emphasize not only the practitioner's clinical skills but also the cultivation of a genuine healing space to allow transformation and self-awareness for the patient. This integration of technical competency with compassionate care allows for effective treatment of a variety of physical ailments along with addressing the deeper aspects of a human being in order to create long-lasting change. 


My graduate training in Chinese medicine was preceded by a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Furman University. This foundation rooted me in the understanding that the Human condition is multi-faceted with complexities that extend from birth to the last breath, influenced by biology, environment, choice, and learning in every stage of life.


It is my intention to use these foundations to help YOU choose and create a life that leads to greater health, freedom from pain, and greater comfort in your circumstances. 


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